Infrared: your best friend every season!
You probably already know that infrared is healthy. If not, we would like to refer you to one of our previous blogs in which we discuss this . Today we focus on something else, namely on how infrared can prepare your body for both summer and winter. Curious? Then dive into this topic with us!
What exactly is infrared?
To avoid confusion, we will start by discussing what infrared radiation actually is. There is still a lot of confusion about this.
Some people think that all types of radiation are carcinogenic or unhealthy. Fortunately, that is not true.
Light is also a form of (electromagnetic) radiation. This form of radiation is however anything but harmful to your health, unless you are a vampire of course.
There are other forms of radiation that are not harmful or even healthy. Infrared light is an example of the latter; it generates heat which improves many processes in your body and you enjoy many health benefits, such as: better skin, a good night's sleep, faster muscle recovery, detoxification, regulated blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart failure.
Infrared: preparing for a real 'summer body'!
Who says summer, says warmth and sunshine. And whether you believe in global warming or not, summer temperatures rise (almost) every year. That means that your maximum heat tolerance can be reached quickly, causing you to feel drowsy and tired.
However, that doesn't mean we'll all be taking a summer nap anytime soon. There are ways to increase your heat tolerance. Some of them, like drinking enough water, you probably already know.
But have you ever thought about infrared light? By regularly using infrared therapy (in the form of e.g. an infrared sauna blanket or infrared lamp) you can prepare your body during the colder months for the warmer temperatures in the summer. This way you maintain a high energy level and achieve better athletic performances.
Infrared protects your skin against high UV indices
In addition to preparing your body for heat, infrared also allows your skin to adapt and prepare for the high UV indices (a measure of the UV strength of a sunbeam) that are reached in summer.
When you are exposed to light forms of radiation, a biochemical process called 'photoprotection' occurs in your body. This causes many adjustments to take place, such as a thickening of your skin, which means you will be better protected in the future.
In the past, people were much more often outside and this process happened naturally as summer approached. Nowadays, however, we are all very busy. In addition, the weather and therefore also the radiation levels are very changeable in our regions.
But don't worry, thanks to infrared therapy you can achieve the same effect! Research shows that regular use of infrared radiation offers you protection equivalent to an SPF-15 sunscreen. Infrared radiation is also said to help your skin recover after burning.
In short: infrared therapy in the form of a sauna blanket or infrared lamp, for example, prepares your body for warmer temperatures and high UV indexes. In other words: thanks to infrared therapy you get a real 'summer body'.
Does a summer body mean strong muscles for you? No problem, an infrared sauna (blanket) or infrared lamp can help you; thanks to infrared, the blood circulation in your muscles is promoted, which makes muscle recovery smoother and better!
Infrared therapy in winter: a boost for your immune system and well-being
Infrared therapy also has many advantages during winter and cold periods. But which ones exactly? Well, first and foremost, infrared light warms your body. That is also why infrared heating systems exist.
Infrared also boosts your immune system. By heating your body, it creates an environment in which viruses are less able to survive and white blood cells and antibodies are produced more quickly. This is also why viral infections often come with a fever; by increasing your body temperature, you can better fight the virus that is causing your illness.