Mvolo Mixtape
At Mvolo we post an informative blog about health and red light therapy every week. Discover how you can improve your well-being with the power of light and stay up to date with the latest insights and tips. Do you have any questions or would you like us to discuss a specific topic? Feel free to send an email to , and we will be happy to help you!
Herstel Als Een Pro: Ontdek de Kracht van Roodl...
Mylano RodriguezRoodlichttherapie is een revolutionaire methode voor atleten die sneller willen herstellen en hun prestaties willen verbeteren. Door het stimuleren van mitochondriën verbetert RLT slaapkwaliteit, vermindert het spierpijn en versnelt het...
Herstel Als Een Pro: Ontdek de Kracht van Roodl...
Mylano RodriguezRoodlichttherapie is een revolutionaire methode voor atleten die sneller willen herstellen en hun prestaties willen verbeteren. Door het stimuleren van mitochondriën verbetert RLT slaapkwaliteit, vermindert het spierpijn en versnelt het...
Heb je een traag metabolisme? Ontdek deze bewez...
Mylano RodriguezEen gezond metabolisme is cruciaal voor energie en welzijn. Leer hoe roodlichttherapie mitochondriën stimuleert en je metabolisme op natuurlijke wijze ondersteunt.
Heb je een traag metabolisme? Ontdek deze bewez...
Mylano RodriguezEen gezond metabolisme is cruciaal voor energie en welzijn. Leer hoe roodlichttherapie mitochondriën stimuleert en je metabolisme op natuurlijke wijze ondersteunt.
Dit MOET je weten over Alzheimer en roodlichtth...
Mylano RodriguezRoodlichttherapie toont veelbelovend als aanvullende ondersteuning bij Alzheimer. Ontdek hoe deze veilige, niet-invasieve methode bijdraagt aan hersengezondheid.
Dit MOET je weten over Alzheimer en roodlichtth...
Mylano RodriguezRoodlichttherapie toont veelbelovend als aanvullende ondersteuning bij Alzheimer. Ontdek hoe deze veilige, niet-invasieve methode bijdraagt aan hersengezondheid.
Het Belang van Slaap en de Rol van Roodlichtthe...
Mylano RodriguezSlaap is essentieel voor je fysieke en mentale gezondheid, maar veel mensen ervaren slaapproblemen. In deze uitgebreide blog bespreken we de verschillende fasen van slaap, zoals de overgangsfase, lichte slaap,...
Het Belang van Slaap en de Rol van Roodlichtthe...
Mylano RodriguezSlaap is essentieel voor je fysieke en mentale gezondheid, maar veel mensen ervaren slaapproblemen. In deze uitgebreide blog bespreken we de verschillende fasen van slaap, zoals de overgangsfase, lichte slaap,...
Hoe de Pulsingfunctie Jouw Roodlichttherapie Ef...
Mylano RodriguezDe pulsingfunctie bij roodlichttherapie optimaliseert celherstel en verlichting van pijn. Ideaal voor huidproblemen, spierpijn en ontspanning. Lees over de wetenschappelijke onderbouwing, voordelen en aandachtspunten voor gebruik.
Hoe de Pulsingfunctie Jouw Roodlichttherapie Ef...
Mylano RodriguezDe pulsingfunctie bij roodlichttherapie optimaliseert celherstel en verlichting van pijn. Ideaal voor huidproblemen, spierpijn en ontspanning. Lees over de wetenschappelijke onderbouwing, voordelen en aandachtspunten voor gebruik.
Ontspanning aan het einde van je dag
Mylano RodriguezOntdek hoe roodlichttherapie je helpt ontspannen na een drukke dag vol stress en prikkels. Van het kalmeren van je zenuwstelsel tot het bevorderen van herstel en betere slaapkwaliteit – roodlichttherapie...
Ontspanning aan het einde van je dag
Mylano RodriguezOntdek hoe roodlichttherapie je helpt ontspannen na een drukke dag vol stress en prikkels. Van het kalmeren van je zenuwstelsel tot het bevorderen van herstel en betere slaapkwaliteit – roodlichttherapie...
A natural boost for your health
Mylano RodriguezRed light therapy stimulates the production of nitric oxide (NO), which is crucial for good blood circulation and inflammation reduction. A shortage of NO can lead to reduced energy, disrupted...
A natural boost for your health
Mylano RodriguezRed light therapy stimulates the production of nitric oxide (NO), which is crucial for good blood circulation and inflammation reduction. A shortage of NO can lead to reduced energy, disrupted...
Optimize Your Testosterone with Red Light Thera...
Mylano RodriguezTestosterone plays a crucial role in our well-being, from muscle strength to mental clarity. This blog explains what testosterone is, why it's important, and how red light therapy can help...
Optimize Your Testosterone with Red Light Thera...
Mylano RodriguezTestosterone plays a crucial role in our well-being, from muscle strength to mental clarity. This blog explains what testosterone is, why it's important, and how red light therapy can help...
Muscle and Joint Pain in Winter
Mylano RodriguezIn the winter, many people experience muscle and joint pain due to the cold, limited sunlight exposure, and reduced activity. This blog discusses why this happens and how red light...
Muscle and Joint Pain in Winter
Mylano RodriguezIn the winter, many people experience muscle and joint pain due to the cold, limited sunlight exposure, and reduced activity. This blog discusses why this happens and how red light...
Combating depression with red light therapy
Mylano RodriguezDepression is a common mental health condition that has a variety of causes, including stress and chemical imbalances in the brain. In this blog, we discuss how red light therapy...
Combating depression with red light therapy
Mylano RodriguezDepression is a common mental health condition that has a variety of causes, including stress and chemical imbalances in the brain. In this blog, we discuss how red light therapy...
Pain: The Protective Power of Our Body and the ...
Mylano RodriguezPain protects us by signaling threats and stimulating recovery. With persistent pain, the nervous system can become oversensitive, often leading to stress and tension. Red light therapy provides natural relief...
Pain: The Protective Power of Our Body and the ...
Mylano RodriguezPain protects us by signaling threats and stimulating recovery. With persistent pain, the nervous system can become oversensitive, often leading to stress and tension. Red light therapy provides natural relief...
The Impact of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and the...
Mylano RodriguezIn this blog, we’ll delve deeper into the problems caused by mitochondrial dysfunction, an often overlooked cause of many modern diseases. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, and when...
The Impact of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and the...
Mylano RodriguezIn this blog, we’ll delve deeper into the problems caused by mitochondrial dysfunction, an often overlooked cause of many modern diseases. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, and when...
What are Mitochondria and Why are They So Impor...
Mylano RodriguezMitochondria are vital to our energy levels and overall health. Without properly functioning mitochondria, the body cannot generate the energy it needs to survive and repair itself. In this blog,...
What are Mitochondria and Why are They So Impor...
Mylano RodriguezMitochondria are vital to our energy levels and overall health. Without properly functioning mitochondria, the body cannot generate the energy it needs to survive and repair itself. In this blog,...
Improving Cognitive Health with Red Light Therapy
Mylano RodriguezCognitive decline is a common problem as we age, but red light therapy offers a promising approach to slowing this process. By stimulating cell activity and reducing oxidative stress, red...
Improving Cognitive Health with Red Light Therapy
Mylano RodriguezCognitive decline is a common problem as we age, but red light therapy offers a promising approach to slowing this process. By stimulating cell activity and reducing oxidative stress, red...
Optimize Your Workday with Red Light and Infrar...
Mylano RodriguezRed light and infrared therapy offer scientifically proven benefits during and after work. Discover how these therapies can improve your energy, focus and recovery, while reducing stress and pain for...
Optimize Your Workday with Red Light and Infrar...
Mylano RodriguezRed light and infrared therapy offer scientifically proven benefits during and after work. Discover how these therapies can improve your energy, focus and recovery, while reducing stress and pain for...
Improve Your Skin Care and Health with the Mvol...
Mvolo AllThe Mvolo Elite Series 106 offers advanced skincare and health benefits through the combination of red light and near infrared. Reduce wrinkles, acne and scars while stimulating collagen production and...
Improve Your Skin Care and Health with the Mvol...
Mvolo AllThe Mvolo Elite Series 106 offers advanced skincare and health benefits through the combination of red light and near infrared. Reduce wrinkles, acne and scars while stimulating collagen production and...
Red Light as a Natural Solution for Cardiovascu...
Mvolo AllCardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Red and infrared light therapy shows promise in improving blood circulation, stimulating stem cell production and supporting heart health, according to...
Red Light as a Natural Solution for Cardiovascu...
Mvolo AllCardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Red and infrared light therapy shows promise in improving blood circulation, stimulating stem cell production and supporting heart health, according to...
Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss and...
Mvolo AllThis blog dives deep into the causes of hair loss and how red light therapy, also known as Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT), can help promote hair growth. Learn about the...
Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss and...
Mvolo AllThis blog dives deep into the causes of hair loss and how red light therapy, also known as Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT), can help promote hair growth. Learn about the...
Cortisol in Balance: The Role of Red Light in S...
Mvolo AllCortisol, also known as the stress hormone, plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Discover how red light therapy can help regulate cortisol levels, reduce stress, and optimize your...
Cortisol in Balance: The Role of Red Light in S...
Mvolo AllCortisol, also known as the stress hormone, plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Discover how red light therapy can help regulate cortisol levels, reduce stress, and optimize your...
Stress and How Red Light Can Help: An In-Depth ...
Mvolo AllStress is a common problem that can have serious consequences for your health and well-being. Fortunately, red light offers a natural and effective way to reduce stress and improve your...
Stress and How Red Light Can Help: An In-Depth ...
Mvolo AllStress is a common problem that can have serious consequences for your health and well-being. Fortunately, red light offers a natural and effective way to reduce stress and improve your...
Acne, Rosacea, Eczema: Solutions With Red Light
Mvolo AllDo you suffer from acne, rosacea or eczema? These skin conditions can be annoying and affect your self-confidence. Fortunately, there are new, effective treatments such as red light and infrared...
Acne, Rosacea, Eczema: Solutions With Red Light
Mvolo AllDo you suffer from acne, rosacea or eczema? These skin conditions can be annoying and affect your self-confidence. Fortunately, there are new, effective treatments such as red light and infrared...
Growing Older with Radiance: What You Need to K...
Mvolo AllCell regeneration is essential for healthy, youthful skin, but slows down with age, leading to signs of aging such as wrinkles and uneven skin tone. Red light therapy offers an...
Growing Older with Radiance: What You Need to K...
Mvolo AllCell regeneration is essential for healthy, youthful skin, but slows down with age, leading to signs of aging such as wrinkles and uneven skin tone. Red light therapy offers an...
Summer Skin Irritation? Resolve Rash, Red Bumps...
Mvolo AllWith summer just around the corner, we often see an increase in skin problems such as rashes, red bumps and itching. These complaints can be caused by various factors such...
Summer Skin Irritation? Resolve Rash, Red Bumps...
Mvolo AllWith summer just around the corner, we often see an increase in skin problems such as rashes, red bumps and itching. These complaints can be caused by various factors such...
Treating Fibromyalgia with Infrared Light
Mvolo AllFibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes significant pain and fatigue. If you are dealing with fibromyalgia, you are likely to experience problems with sleep, memory, and mood swings. Although...
Treating Fibromyalgia with Infrared Light
Mvolo AllFibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes significant pain and fatigue. If you are dealing with fibromyalgia, you are likely to experience problems with sleep, memory, and mood swings. Although...
Treating lower back pain with infrared light
Mvolo AllYou probably suffer from lower back pain almost every day. Think of the nagging pain after a long day sitting in your office chair at work or a more sharp...
Treating lower back pain with infrared light
Mvolo AllYou probably suffer from lower back pain almost every day. Think of the nagging pain after a long day sitting in your office chair at work or a more sharp...
Relieve shoulder complaints with infrared light
Mvolo AllShoulder problems often play a negative role in performing your daily activities. For example, you have to deal with pain when moving or even a constant nagging pain. These shoulder...
Relieve shoulder complaints with infrared light
Mvolo AllShoulder problems often play a negative role in performing your daily activities. For example, you have to deal with pain when moving or even a constant nagging pain. These shoulder...
Infrared Light and How It Helps the Elderly
Mvolo AllThe older we get, the greater our risk of chronic fatigue, arthritis, falls and associated injuries, chronic back and joint pain, high blood pressure, and sleep disorders. Fortunately, there are...
Infrared Light and How It Helps the Elderly
Mvolo AllThe older we get, the greater our risk of chronic fatigue, arthritis, falls and associated injuries, chronic back and joint pain, high blood pressure, and sleep disorders. Fortunately, there are...
Red and Infrared Light: Everything You Need to ...
Mvolo AllInfrared and red light therapy are popular non-invasive methods to promote health and treat various conditions. Using the right wavelengths of light, such as red light between 620nm and 750nm...
Red and Infrared Light: Everything You Need to ...
Mvolo AllInfrared and red light therapy are popular non-invasive methods to promote health and treat various conditions. Using the right wavelengths of light, such as red light between 620nm and 750nm...
Mvolo announces partnership with Student Beans ...
Mvolo AllMvolo is excited to announce that we have partnered with Student Beans, allowing students to enjoy exclusive discounts on their purchases. By registering and verifying through Student Beans, you can...
Mvolo announces partnership with Student Beans ...
Mvolo AllMvolo is excited to announce that we have partnered with Student Beans, allowing students to enjoy exclusive discounts on their purchases. By registering and verifying through Student Beans, you can...
Red Light Therapy: The Complete Guide for Athletes
Mvolo AllIn the sports world, red light therapy is increasingly used. Infrared light has many advantages for athletes. But which ones exactly, and how can you make optimal use of it...
Red Light Therapy: The Complete Guide for Athletes
Mvolo AllIn the sports world, red light therapy is increasingly used. Infrared light has many advantages for athletes. But which ones exactly, and how can you make optimal use of it...
Infrared: your best friend every season!
Mvolo AllYou probably already know that infrared is healthy. If not, we would like to refer you to one of our previous blogs in which we discuss this . Today we...
Infrared: your best friend every season!
Mvolo AllYou probably already know that infrared is healthy. If not, we would like to refer you to one of our previous blogs in which we discuss this . Today we...
Infrared radiation: why is it healthy and what ...
Mvolo AllInfrared radiation offers many health benefits, such as lowering your stress levels, helping to detoxify your body, improving your skin and blood circulation, and may even help fight cancer. But...
Infrared radiation: why is it healthy and what ...
Mvolo AllInfrared radiation offers many health benefits, such as lowering your stress levels, helping to detoxify your body, improving your skin and blood circulation, and may even help fight cancer. But...
Infrared light: healthy or harmful for the huma...
Mvolo AllSoon after Hermann Joseph Meller exposed the mutagenic effect of radiation in 1927, all forms of radiation were seen as a threat to our health because (due to that mutagenic...
Infrared light: healthy or harmful for the huma...
Mvolo AllSoon after Hermann Joseph Meller exposed the mutagenic effect of radiation in 1927, all forms of radiation were seen as a threat to our health because (due to that mutagenic...
Infrared: healthy or harmful?
Mvolo AllInfra-red: Since Hermann Joseph Meller discovered the mutagenic effect of radiation in 1927, all different forms of radiation have been seen as a health hazard because they could cause cancer...
Infrared: healthy or harmful?
Mvolo AllInfra-red: Since Hermann Joseph Meller discovered the mutagenic effect of radiation in 1927, all different forms of radiation have been seen as a health hazard because they could cause cancer...
Ever Wondered Why Walking Barefoot Matters? Dis...
Mvolo AllEver wondered why it's so pleasant to walk around barefoot? If so, you're certainly not alone. This is why a lot of research has been done on the subject and...
Ever Wondered Why Walking Barefoot Matters? Dis...
Mvolo AllEver wondered why it's so pleasant to walk around barefoot? If so, you're certainly not alone. This is why a lot of research has been done on the subject and...
Mvolo Earthing Mat: the mat that relaxes your b...
IB DigitalsLearn all about grounding, its benefits and how a grounding mat can help you in this blog !
Mvolo Earthing Mat: the mat that relaxes your b...
IB DigitalsLearn all about grounding, its benefits and how a grounding mat can help you in this blog !
In these 8 situations you MUST have an infrared...
IB DigitalsDiscover how infrared lamps can help with specific conditions such as muscle and joint pain, sports injuries, skin care, stress relief, immunity, menstrual pain, weight loss, and sinus problems. Learn...
In these 8 situations you MUST have an infrared...
IB DigitalsDiscover how infrared lamps can help with specific conditions such as muscle and joint pain, sports injuries, skin care, stress relief, immunity, menstrual pain, weight loss, and sinus problems. Learn...
Discover the Power of Infrared Light for a Heal...
IB DigitalsInfrared light offers a range of benefits for healthier living, ranging from relaxation and pain relief to improved circulation and a strengthened immune system. Through its deep heat, it can...
Discover the Power of Infrared Light for a Heal...
IB DigitalsInfrared light offers a range of benefits for healthier living, ranging from relaxation and pain relief to improved circulation and a strengthened immune system. Through its deep heat, it can...
Towards a more sustainable future with Mvolo
adminSustainability is an important topic that more and more companies are taking seriously, and Mvolo is no exception. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our production and delivery...
Towards a more sustainable future with Mvolo
adminSustainability is an important topic that more and more companies are taking seriously, and Mvolo is no exception. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our production and delivery...
Mvolo's Double Infrared Lamp
BriannaOctober 6th is the day that Mvolo releases their innovative dual infrared lamp, and I, Brianna, had the unique opportunity to be the first to test it out. But before...
Mvolo's Double Infrared Lamp
BriannaOctober 6th is the day that Mvolo releases their innovative dual infrared lamp, and I, Brianna, had the unique opportunity to be the first to test it out. But before...
The Power of Earthing: Discover the Benefits of...
adminIn our busy world of technology and hectic schedules, it’s easy to lose touch with nature. But what if I told you there was an easy way to literally bring...
The Power of Earthing: Discover the Benefits of...
adminIn our busy world of technology and hectic schedules, it’s easy to lose touch with nature. But what if I told you there was an easy way to literally bring...