Ever Wondered Why Walking Barefoot Matters? Discover the Surprising Science Behind Its Impact!
Ever wondered why it's so pleasant to walk around barefoot? If so, you're certainly not alone. This is why a lot of research has been done on the subject and scientists finally seem to have found an explanation for it: 'grounding'.
Grounding and the science behind it
People who walk around barefoot often say that it makes them feel a connection to the earth. According to scientists, there truly is a connection, more specifically an electrical one. This is because when you make direct contact with the earth, negative charges from the ground are exchanged with positive charges in your body, which eventually compensates for your positive charge and makes it disappear.
Where do those positive charges in your body come from? Well, first of all, they are created by your brain sending electrical signals to the rest of your body so that you can move your muscles. On top of that, technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth create additional charged particles in your body. All these charges are best discharged quickly so your body is not constantly under stress. Therefore, nature has a solution for this: by making direct contact with the earth, you get rid of these charges immediately.
What (never) walking barefoot does to your body
Nowadays, we usually wear shoes and socks so most people hardly ever make direct contact with the earth and therefore (almost) never ground.
You may be wondering, is that bad? Well, by not grounding and never walking barefoot, an ever-increasing load accumulates in your body. This makes you: sleep less well, experience more stress, have poorer circulation, and recover less quickly after a workout or wound. All of these don't sound too beneficial, do they?
So turn all these disadvantages into advantages by regularly taking off your shoes and socks and practicing Grounding!
Grounding mat: the benefits of walking barefoot while you sleep!
Nowadays, we live in a society where everything has to go fast and as a result do not have much time to make direct contact with the earth. It is also quite difficult to go to work barefoot and greet your boss that way.
To solve this problem, "Grounding mats" have recently come into existence. You guessed it, these are mats that imitate the electrical effect of the earth so that contact with such a mat has the same effect as with the earth. You can put these mats on your mattress to ground during the night. And before you think we are fooling you, here is a study that proves the effect of such a grounding mat.
Moreover, along with other studies, it also shows that grounding during your sleep can be extra beneficial for healing wounds, recovering faster from athletic performance and sleeping better due to lowered cortisol levels.